“Learning to Walk in Freedom” Paperback is in the Truck! Let’s Give Some Away!

Since the paperbacks are on the truck from Illinois to Virginia, I’ve decided to prepare by doing a giveaway!

Now read the whole post to hear about your giveaway options!

I’m going to send signed copies of Learning to Walk in Freedom to 5 of my readers!


You can get one entry by commenting here, but you can get even more entries by liking my page on Facebook or following me on Twitter! If you’re signed into Facebook and Twitter, click on the little down arrows next to each category. The raffle widget will tell you whether or not you’ve done those 2 things. Follow the steps in the widget below.

Also, I will give away an additional signed book to an email subscriber (that’s 6 books total!). So go to my website and enter your email address where it says “Get Living Unveiled Updates and Posts via Email.” Mailchimp services this, and you will not be spammed 🙂

Please share the love and share the page!

You can also now pre-order the paperback. It is available in packs of 10 if you are buying for your church, non-profit or ministry.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

    The 1st five winners have been chosen!

Heather F.
Jenn B.
Meghan B.
Robyn H.
Beth W.

I will chose the winner out of those who subscribe to blog posts later!

12 thoughts on ““Learning to Walk in Freedom” Paperback is in the Truck! Let’s Give Some Away!

  1. I already have the ebook but would love to share paperback copies with friends- plus seeing BK’s name smiling on the bookcase and encouraging me every day makes my heart happy!!

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