Does anyone else find this hilariously funny/ironic?

It’s not terribly clear, because my scanner is not working, so I had to do a screen shot.

This was in the ad of my local supermarket:

In all fairness, this is the full image:

But still! Could we have not put the pork directly below Happy Hannukah?

3 thoughts on “Does anyone else find this hilariously funny/ironic?

  1. LOL I caught that too. Having been engaged previously to someone Jewish, I recognized the irony, but I wonder how many unaware did not? Good pick up Brenna!

    Happy Festivus! ;->

  2. I got pegged as Jewish this week, it was hilarious. At WDW, we hired a sitter for a few hours to stay in the resort with the kids. Told her that we don’t eat pork (for when she took them to dinner) and not to retract Jack’s foreskin b/c he’s uncirced. You could practically see her placing the yarmulke on Patton’s head!

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